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Woadrunner has raised concerns about this henge which forms part of the Thornborough complex.
Submitted byRunemage
AddedJun 15 2012
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Woadrunner has raised concerns about this henge which forms part of the Thornborough complex.

" Many people who attend the Beltane event also take the opportunity to visit the northern henge which is the best preserved of the three.

Attached is a photograph of one of the signs which appeared without warning at the northern henge last month. They appeared after the equinox and ironically you actually have to enter the wood to read them!
I have lived here for over fifteen years and this is the first time access to the northern henge has been denied by the landowner, although he has made such mutterings in the past, and people living in the village (Nosterfield) say that they used to play in the wood as children.
For several years people have been visiting the northern henge at the equinoxes and solstice and there was a small group there overnight for the Spring equinox. However, they have never caused any problems or damage, the henge is always left immaculate and if you had not seen them you would not know they had been there. Last month they even cleared away the mess left over from a drinking party some spotty youths from the next village held recently.

Ironically, more damage is being done to the northern henge by the land owner's lack of tree management. Saplings spring up everywhere. The owner of the central henge has let the field in which it stands to a local farmer. He currently has cattle on the land and they are causing a lot of damage to the remaining banking and churning up the centre of the henge where he has placed a feeder. EH in York have been informed but don't seem to be bothered."

Posted Comments:

I've been worried about the northern henge for a while. It almost seems too good. It should be owned by the nation (or do I mean Brigantes nation?). Some of the trees are really ripping through the banks but ultimately I think it is the trees that have saved it so far. We can see what centuries of ploughing does next door.
The idea of a herd of cattle being allowed to destroy this sacred space makes me very sad. It happens at many sites. I don't let cattle s*** in anyone's cathedral so why is it legal to do so in mine? I'm up for a battle so post back if something can be done. Angryblingo
restoredimage (2012-07-23)
Maybe a site can be raised on Youtube titled ''What EH IGNORES'', which lists some of the sites that are in need of protection. Maybe there should be a separate internet site titled ''What they do not protect'' to which we all can add, if there is something we know about locally.Unfortunately EH appears to be so squeezed for cash that raising it appears to have become an overbearing passion, to the extent that they may look for the cash potential of a site before the cultural significance, and of course dear not disagree with their paymasters..
restoredimage (2012-07-23)
As for the sign, how does this measure up to the relatively recent legislation granting the right of access to most land (A
Ramblers motion)?
Runemage (2012-07-24)
Here's the right to roam FAQ which may help, http://www.ramblers.org.uk/freedom/righttoroam/questionsanswer
This is not woodland - it is a sacred temple which is still and always will be revered. I'm starting work on this project. This land belongs to all of us. It is our heritage. I know quite a few people locally but if any local Portal members can help then please send me a message. There must be many hundreds of people that feel the same as I do... focussedblingo
Andy B (2012-09-07)
We'll support you on that Blingo, let me know what we can do
This photo makes me rage with anger. I have started the wheel rolling and I fully intend to correct this outrage. Please help...

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