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The signature
Submitted bybat400
AddedMay 25 2012
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The signature "T shaped" doorway of the Ancestral Puebloans. It's been postulated that the shape had significance as an entry to a special location, such as a plaza or gathering space, but a lot of variation exists in their locations in the complexes.
This shape is also found in Mexico and has frequently been used into the modern era. Researchers differ over where the shape originated and its meaning.
Photo by bat400, April 2012.

Posted Comments:

ivanjohnson (2012-05-31)
I always assumed that door shape was to allow a person or pack animal to enter carrying a large oversize bundle, while still being easy to block off the lower part to help keep out mice and vermin.

Do you know if those wood support beams are original?
bat400 (2012-06-01)
Hard to say about the doorways. Carrying a load makes sense, but not all the doors were T-shaped. (No pack animals, except, maybe, dogs.) At Mesa Verde they had examples of stone slab doors, but none were T-shaped. About the lintel - astonishingly, yes they are. See here: http://www.chacoarchive.org/bibl_database/square_rooms/map_show/490?public=yes&show=tree_ring_dates
Go to the bottom and open under "Images": "21364: Blocked T door west wall of R226"
This door had been blocked when the site was still occupied. Under "Specimens" you can see all the things they found in room where I took the photo - (Cedar and Yucca pot rests, 2 Manos, a piece of obsidian, bone awls, a pitcher, etc...)
davidmorgan (2012-06-01)
I do like the exactness of dendrochronology.

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