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Gallery Home >> Scotland >> Perth and Kinross >> Glen Lyon - Praying Hands of Mary

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Site in Perth and Kinross Scotland
Submitted bytiompan
AddedFeb 27 2012
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Site in Perth and Kinross Scotland

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2012-02-28)
Lovely photo tiompan.
caradoc68 (2012-02-28)
That megalithic or a erratic stone, great picture Tiompan.
tiompan (2012-02-28)
Thanks Angie .
Not megalithic Caradoc , but not sure of the geological explanation .
Andy B (2012-02-28)
I suppose it can't be man made otherwise you would see working or wear around the base as it was hauled into position. Is this granite - it can't be weathering can it? Looks positively mysterious to me :)
tiompan (2012-02-28)
No granite in this area , probably schistose .
Andy B (2012-02-28)
OK, will look it up. I knew it must be metamorphic but my geology is a bit, erm...
davidmorgan (2012-02-29)
Dalradian schist? - after the Dál Riata peoples. If you Google "Glen Lyon geology", you'll see a geological map of the area from scottishnativewoods.org.uk.
tiompan (2012-02-29)
Dalriadian schist is an umbrella term covering a lot of highland Scotland .The geology map for the area describes the bedrock as Ben Lui schist formation which is not much help either . Semipelite and felsite are common to the area .
davidmorgan (2012-02-29)
Sometimes I wish I knew a bit of geology/petrology!

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