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7000-8000 BP. Two larger than life-sized carvings of reindeer. Measuring [1]  2,77m (right one) and 2,34m (left). 
The carvings are almost inaccessible, but can be  seen from other side of the river.  
Near the carvings the riverside is a  4m vertical rock face followed by a steep slope of  60° where the carvings are located. 
The left reindeer is partly weathered/overgrown and often overlooke
Submitted byMartin_L
AddedOct 27 2011
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7000-8000 BP. Two larger than life-sized carvings of reindeer. Measuring [1] 2,77m (right one) and 2,34m (left).
The carvings are almost inaccessible, but can be seen from other side of the river.
Near the carvings the riverside is a 4m vertical rock face followed by a steep slope of 60° where the carvings are located.
The left reindeer is partly weathered/overgrown and often overlooked.
I made some markings:
1= snout , 2 = two lines marking the foreleg, 3 = fragments of antlers and ears, 4 = line marking the spine
Photo taken in 1999.
[1] Gjessing, Gutorm, 'Arktiske Helleristninger I Nord-Norge', Oslo, 1932, p.18-20

Posted Comments:

Martin L (2011-10-27)
Bedrock is gneiss with large feldspar-crystals. The carvings are of a rare North-Norwegian type: they are ground into the surface. The surface of the lines is smoother and the colour differs from that of the surrounding bedrock. In the book mentioned above there is a photo showing the site chalked (with help of ropes) where the left reindeer is more easily visible.

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