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Gallery Home >> Scandinavia >> Denmark >> Rugballe Grønhøj Jættestue

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Round Barrow with enclosed Passage Grave 'Grønhøj', 1940 excavated and restored.
The mound measures approx. 20 m in diameter and is approx. 2.75 m high.
There is a passage inside from the mounds southeast side.
The chamber measures approx. 3.50 x 2.75 m and is 1.5 to 1.7 m high,
set of 8 carrying stones and covered with 2 capstones.
Passage, which measures approx. 4 x 1 m and is about 1 m h
Submitted byholger_rix
AddedJun 18 2011
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Round Barrow with enclosed Passage Grave 'Grønhøj', 1940 excavated and restored.
The mound measures approx. 20 m in diameter and is approx. 2.75 m high.
There is a passage inside from the mounds southeast side.
The chamber measures approx. 3.50 x 2.75 m and is 1.5 to 1.7 m high,
set of 8 carrying stones and covered with 2 capstones.
Passage, which measures approx. 4 x 1 m and is about 1 m high,
set of 4 stones in the southwest side, 3 in the northeast side and
toward the chamber covered with 3 capstones.
The spaces between the uprights of the chamber and the passage are
filled with flat tile-like stones (drywalling).
The mound is surrounded by 60 approx. 1 m tall kerbstones,
where space is also filled with smaller tiles.

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