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Prehistoric artefact extraordinaire, The Trundholm Sun Chariot. So far there only have been found one single Sun Chariot in the whole world, but other finds of similars Sun-discs indicates that more Sun Chariots must have existed and perhaps some of them will surface in the future. But so far, this is a unika an artefact extraordinaire.

The original Sun Chariot is on permanent display at the Na
Submitted bypraeceptor
AddedMay 28 2011
Prehistoric artefact extraordinaire, The Trundholm Sun Chariot. So far there only have been found one single Sun Chariot in the whole world, but other finds of similars Sun-discs indicates that more Sun Chariots must have existed and perhaps some of them will surface in the future. But so far, this is a unika an artefact extraordinaire.

The original Sun Chariot is on permanent display at the National Museum in Copenhagen. The National Museum had two copies made by the Danish Silversmith Georg Jensen, one of these copies are on display at the local museum at Trundholm, the other copy was given to the United Nations and haded over to the Secretary Generale by her Royal Majesty Margrethe II of Denmark.

When first the Sun Chariot was found, the farmer thought it was a childrens toy of modern time, for what reason he first gave it to his children to play with, but the rumor of this find must have travelled fast, because even if the internet didn't exist in these days, the people from the National Museum at Copenhagen soon to turned up to see and taking care of this artefact extraordinaire.

On May 24, 2011 the new 1000 DKK banknote was released, featuring drawings of the Great Belt Bridge and the Trundholm Sun Chariot.

Posted Comments:

praeceptor (2011-05-28)
On this, the other side of the disc, there are no gold decoration. The official explanation to this is, that people in those days believed the world to be flat.

The Sun Chariot is believed to have been used to demonstrate how the sun system worked. First demonstrating a bright and golden travel from East to West then a dark and non-golden travel from the west bak to the east in order to be able to start over again the next day.

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