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On road D57 north of Propriano
Filitosa, the mysterious, and most celebrated prehistoric site on Corsica. There are six menhir statues aligned on the central monument, with steps leading up to the highest point. This enclosure is thought to have been a temple. The statues have carved human faces, wearing helmets and some carry weapons. In fact some of the statues are very phallic, and it
Submitted bynicoladidsbury
AddedJun 09 2004
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Corsica On road D57 north of Propriano Filitosa, the mysterious, and most celebrated prehistoric site on Corsica. There are six menhir statues aligned on the central monument, with steps leading up to the highest point. This enclosure is thought to have been a temple. The statues have carved human faces, wearing helmets and some carry weapons. In fact some of the statues are very phallic, and its suggested they may have been used to encourage fertility of the land.

Posted Comments:

Hewie (2005-01-09)
Good Photo!
AngieLake (2005-01-09)
Have you got a pic of the view/s from the highest point Nicola? Might be interesting to see what they looked out over during any ceremonies.
nicoladidsbury (2005-01-10)
I have just posted a photo of the view. Its not a fantastic photo, but it does show the view well, over to the the row of five menhirs.
AngieLake (2005-01-10)
Oh no! - If you go to the five menhirs, do you get a view of four menhirs, and so on?!.....(Jokes can backfire!)
Martin L (2007-12-28)
Please note: None of the menhirs is in situ. So what we see today has nothing to do with the original late neolithic site.

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