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The Saxon cross shaft reused as a sundial at Coldwell Clough Farm, Hayfield. The gentleman behind is believed to be Mr Bradbury who built the farm and converted the cross shaft into the sundial.
Submitted byBoggart
AddedApr 13 2011
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The Saxon cross shaft reused as a sundial at Coldwell Clough Farm, Hayfield. The gentleman behind is believed to be Mr Bradbury who built the farm and converted the cross shaft into the sundial.

Posted Comments:

stonesavant (2011-06-09)
It was probably a sun dial to begin with
Boggart (2011-06-23)
Erm, no, it was a Saxon cross to begin with that was reused as a sun dial at a later date - it was made into a sundial by the builder of Coldwell Clough Farm, Mr Bradbury !
Runemage (2011-06-23)
I think the suggestion is that it was a prehistoric single standing-stone (could be used as a sundial) that was re-carved in Saxon times. Many neolithic standing stones were "Christianised" in this and other ways.
Boggart (2011-06-26)
That is a possibility as it was close to The White Lady standing stone. Near to the White Lady are a number of other stones that look like they may have formed part of a circle. Unfortunately we will not know if the sundial was originally a standing stone as it was stolen in the 70's !

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