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The Devils Quoits, viewed from the south east.

Kite Aerial Photograph

13 March 2011
Submitted byh_fenton
AddedMar 13 2011
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The Devils Quoits, viewed from the south east.

Kite Aerial Photograph

13 March 2011

Posted Comments:

TheCaptain (2011-03-14)
Excellent as always Hamish, but a couple of questions.
1. Is this surrounded by a great big bank and fence, so it can't normally be seen? (is that you insde).
2. Is that badgers work in the henge ditch, having a good go at filling it in already?
Andy B (2011-03-14)
Follow the string to find Hamish I would guess!
I had almost forgotten about Devil's Quoits, isn't it amazing now. I think we'll have to have another trip there, it used to be parties by arrangement only, what is the situation on opening now?
mikeaitch (2011-03-14)
Brilliant aerial shot Hamish
h fenton (2011-03-14)
If I stand outside the bank (I'm 6ft 3inches), in most places I can see at least some of the stones.

I think that you can visit pretty much any time you want depending on where you park your vehicle. There are currently no signs saying "This way to the Devils Quoits".

Route 1. (c.450 metres from the car). Just outside Stanton Harcourt of the B4449 a "Recycling Centre" is signposted if you follow the signs to it, then continue just past it you will see a small parking area on your left next to the lake (almost opposite a weighbridge), I think this is where you are supposed to park. the parking area is at the southern end of the lake, there is a gravel path with a wire fence on either side leading off around the lake from the corner of the parking area, follow this path and it will take you around the lake to the Devils Quoits, there are some newly planted trees that you will walk past, when the trees on your right finish, turn sharply around the end of the trees and walk up the slope, you should be at the entrance to the Devils Quoits, there is an information board here.
note: the road to the recycling centre is gated and will be locked when the recycling centre is shut.

Route 2. (1100metres from the car) Go southwards out of Stanton Harcourt immediately as you leave the village there is a footpath sign on your right, continue a short distance along the road there is a cemetery on your left with some parking outside (also some parking on the other side of the road) park your car here. follow the footpath you just saw though the gate and follow the concrete roadway straight until it ends, at the end of the roadway there is a big fence with a path through it and the trackway bears round to the right, follow the trackway for a few metres and there is a stile with a 'permissive footpath' arrow, taker this route it will lead you to the lake, then walk southwards (to your left) down the side of the lake and you will come to the Devils Quoits.

If you walk in from Stanton Harcourt you could potentially visit pretty much anytime you like, there were plenty of people walking their dogs around the henge.

The rabbits are having a great time burrowing in the ditches and banks.

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