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Submitted byDocRock
AddedOct 22 2010
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The "sacrificial table" in the central area of the site photographed from above.

Posted Comments:

theCaptain (2010-10-22)
At last ! Some decent pictures to go with this site, as opposed to my terrible old pictures!
DocRock (2010-10-23)
Dear theCaptain, Thanks for the nice words. By the way, I hate the commercialized term, "America's Stonehenge," and will never use that term again and will stay with the earlier "Mystery Hill." Going on 70 I guess I'm allowed a bit of 'curmungeonry.'
TheCaptain (2010-10-23)
I'm with you all the way there DocRock. Mystery Hill it should be. But I guess we have to stick with the most commonly known name here.
TheCaptain (2010-10-23)
Just looking again at this together with my pic from about 1990. The site has ckearly been changed again, with the triangular upright on the left now moved to be adjacent to the table stone, which it was not 20 years ago. This remodelling of the site always was a problem here.
DocRock (2010-10-23)
Dear Captain, Actually my photos of this site are from the late 1980's and should represent an earlier rather than later "incarnation." The central site has been well messed about. Mystery Hill was used as a farm building and later as a source for curbstones for some towns. On the other hand, it is my undertanding that peripheral stones were discovered rather later and are not known to have been moved about.
bat400 (2015-05-26)
And speaking of 'curmungeonry', this is the base stone for a colonial cider press. There are numerous examples at old farmsteads in the US.

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