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Site in Sicily (Sicilia) Italy.

Quarry used already at the time of the Greeks in Sicily.
Submitted bydavidx
AddedApr 17 2010
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Site in Sicily (Sicilia) Italy. Quarry used already at the time of the Greeks in Sicily.

Posted Comments:

nicoladidsbury (2010-04-18)
What is this, a natural cave? Looks great!
pab (2010-04-19)
If I remember rightly, most of the 'space' where the 2 people are standing was quarried by slaves for the material for building some of the wonderful sites nearby. The cave goes back a fair way - will look out some old pics if I can find them!
davidmorgan (2010-04-19)
It's called the Ear of Dionysius. There are some good stories about its acoustic properties and eavesdropping.
davidx (2010-05-18)
The comment about slaves is correct and the 'cave'is NOT natural.

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