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Gallery Home >> Germany >> Lower Saxony, Bremen >> Siebensteinhäuser (Grab C)

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Grave C

The relatively short chamber of Grave C consists of three supporting stones
on the southeast and four on the northwest side as well as two end stones and
three capstones. Before restoration only the northeastern three-point support,
the centre of the three supporting stones on the southeast side and the
southwestern end stone were found in situ. Two capstones probably caved in
Submitted byholger_rix
AddedApr 04 2010
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Grave C

The relatively short chamber of Grave C consists of three supporting stones
on the southeast and four on the northwest side as well as two end stones and
three capstones. Before restoration only the northeastern three-point support,
the centre of the three supporting stones on the southeast side and the
southwestern end stone were found in situ. Two capstones probably caved in
under their own weight when their supports were dislodged.
The internal dimensions of the chamber are 5 x 2 m.
The outside entrance appears to have been located between the first and centre
support stones to the south of the southeastern side of the chamber.

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