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Gallery Home >> Scandinavia >> Norway >> Eikhom Pottholes

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Large area of pottholes created by last iced age! Very special!!!! About 15 km from mainroad 41 in the county of Telemark! Discovered in 1951/52. There is a gravel road now, but only a few years ago area was only accessable by a long walk. The rocks are grinded by glacier and icy water running between it and the rock and feel like velvet; nowadays site is used as a sort of public bath and can be v
Submitted byNype
AddedFeb 26 2010
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Large area of pottholes created by last iced age! Very special!!!! About 15 km from mainroad 41 in the county of Telemark! Discovered in 1951/52. There is a gravel road now, but only a few years ago area was only accessable by a long walk. The rocks are grinded by glacier and icy water running between it and the rock and feel like velvet; nowadays site is used as a sort of public bath and can be very crowded on warm summer days. There is even a parking lot now and a fee has to be paid (Bom). Area had settlements in Bronce Age and Iron Age. There were some rock carvings, but nobody cared for them, so they unfortunately vanished! Visible are still a few Iron Age barrows near Fjone a bit way up north at Lake Nisser. Worth a visit!!! Don't forget your camera!!

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