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Gallery Home >> BeNeLux >> The Netherlands >> D2 Westervelde

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June 2009. The chamber viewed from the West. The passage orthostats visible to the right while the passage capstone is missing. Fragment of chamber-capstone 2 (counting from the West) lying between its orthostats.
Submitted byMartin_L
AddedSep 15 2009
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June 2009. The chamber viewed from the West. The passage orthostats visible to the right while the passage capstone is missing. Fragment of chamber-capstone 2 (counting from the West) lying between its orthostats.

Posted Comments:

guile (2011-08-24)
Martin, I am such a fan of your work, I'm running out of superlatives to post.
Martin L (2011-08-24)
Oh, thank you again Guile. Of course I have to try (unsuccesfully i fear) to forward that compliments to the ancestors...(and the sun in this case). Regarding this picture I know wish I had not resized the file that much. Some details are lost. Possibly I will replace it by a better version like I did with others. And I am looking forward for new pictures from you Guile. Cheers.

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