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Submitted byJon
AddedDec 28 2003
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Posted Comments:

Stoney Tony (2004-08-11)
very celtic !
enkidu41 (2004-08-11)
These spirals are a heck of a lot earlier than Celtic - 2000 years+ or more! They are very widespread at neolithic sites, most notably Newgrange.
Thorgrim (2004-08-11)
Think we should ban the word "Celtic" Its just a catch all Greek name originally used around 500BC for people living near Marseilles. Later the name became associated with art of Hallstatt and La Tene. People of Britain and Ireland were never Celtic, never called themselves Celts and neither did Roman or other classical writers. The term "Celts" was never used about Ancient Britons until 18th century when the whole Celtic/Druidic nonsense was dreamed up. Unfortunately it stuck and too many people still believe it.

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