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Gallery Home >> Germany >> Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg >> Hemmelmark Steingrab (2)

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The ortostats are still in the ground . A second mighty capstone is overgrown with blackberries and other bushes .
Submitted bykrautrock
AddedMay 17 2009
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The ortostats are still in the ground . A second mighty capstone is overgrown with blackberries and other bushes .

Posted Comments:

Martin L (2011-01-05)
Hemmelmark III (Sprockhoff 82),
is a large pentagonal dolmen chamber covered by two capstones. It is situated near the SE edge of the Mausoleum only 4 m away from Sprockhoff 81 SE long side enclosure stones. By the time of the first examination several upright-set slabs were preserved, subdividing the chamber into at least two parts. Similar subdivisions are known from several other funnel-beaker locations. Nowadays the chamber is halfway filled with earth, but a gap (missing dry-walling) between orthostats and capstone in the North facilitates a view inside. The massive northern part below the northern capstone has a rectangular ground-plan, while the SE edge is rounded, as the southern orthostat in the east is set in an angle of approx 45° to its neighbour in the North . The chamber nowadays is heavily overgrown on all side except for the North. An enormous tree is growing just beside it in the SE.

Reference: [1] Sprockhoff, E. Atlas der Megalithgräber Deutschlands, Teil 1 "Niedersachsen-Westfalen", Habelt, Bonn, 1966, Textband p. 25f, Atlasband pl. 24

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