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Kostivere Sliding Stone. A sacred Cult Stone in Estonia, a few miles to the East of Tallinn. The stone is a glacial erratic, but has been used for ceremonial purposes for many thousands of years, and has the remains of a burial mound associated with it, and is covered in ancient cup marks. The legend associated with this stone is that it can cure infertility. Women slide down the rock bare bottome
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedNov 02 2003
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Kostivere Sliding Stone. A sacred Cult Stone in Estonia, a few miles to the East of Tallinn. The stone is a glacial erratic, but has been used for ceremonial purposes for many thousands of years, and has the remains of a burial mound associated with it, and is covered in ancient cup marks. The legend associated with this stone is that it can cure infertility. Women slide down the rock bare bottomed, and their infertility will be cured.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2005-10-01)
After my recent travelling around France, its amazing to see just how many of these ancient stones sites are associated with females sliding down the stones in order to get them a child. I must have found at least half a dozen other sites with this legend attached. And I know its not just in France, but all over Europe. Why and where do these beliefs come from ? Intriging.
Thorgrim (2005-10-01)
Erratics do seem to be special in other areas too. It would be a really useful piece of reseach if we started to collect such stories and associated folklore, ignoring national boundaries. All too often, local and national research is done, but that's all. No nations existed in prehistory and people moved around as and when. What are the common themes of legends? Therein lies a glimpse of the prehistoric mind

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