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Site in 41.724 N 12.71 E 
The new excavation on private property. Wide view showing the several structures on the terrace immediately above the Roman temple level, looking northwest. Notice how the farmer's greenhouses butt right up to the excavation. I can see why farmers are reticent to let archaeologists dig - if they uncover a fabulous temple you lose your farmland!
Submitted byivanjohnson
AddedMar 10 2008
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Site in 41.724 N 12.71 E
The new excavation on private property. Wide view showing the several structures on the terrace immediately above the Roman temple level, looking northwest. Notice how the farmer's greenhouses butt right up to the excavation. I can see why farmers are reticent to let archaeologists dig - if they uncover a fabulous temple you lose your farmland!

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