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Rollıng door of Cappodacian Underground city datıng to about 1000-800 BCE when Assyrian where troubling the remnants of the Hittites.
Later the underground cıtıes where reused by christians fleeing Roman persecutions.
The shafts go about 45 Meters deep in about 8 levels. 
In the last 1800 years locals farmers used them for holding sheep and storing grain and wine.
Submitted byAlexHunger
AddedSep 23 2007
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Rollıng door of Cappodacian Underground city datıng to about 1000-800 BCE when Assyrian where troubling the remnants of the Hittites.
Later the underground cıtıes where reused by christians fleeing Roman persecutions.
The shafts go about 45 Meters deep in about 8 levels.
In the last 1800 years locals farmers used them for holding sheep and storing grain and wine.

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