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St Michael's chapel, or rather its remains, are within the iron age enclosure at the northern tip of the Ysgyryd Fawr ridge.  (SO33111827) 
COFLEIN (NRPN ref 306440) reports that the chapel is identifiable by the low, stony banks.  Two stones from the original doorway are still in place, but you don't need them to know you have entered a magical and ancient place! 
Shame that the trig pillar is
Submitted bypab
AddedAug 10 2007
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St Michael's chapel, or rather its remains, are within the iron age enclosure at the northern tip of the Ysgyryd Fawr ridge. (SO33111827)
COFLEIN (NRPN ref 306440) reports that the chapel is identifiable by the low, stony banks. Two stones from the original doorway are still in place, but you don't need them to know you have entered a magical and ancient place!
Shame that the trig pillar is quite so prominent...

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2007-08-11)
Well done pab - it was worth the slog up hill for the view. You must be pretty fit! That was good aerial shot included in site info.
Pity we can't be a 'fly-on-the-wall' during the time the chapel was in use!
pab (2007-08-11)
Thanks Angie - shame you can't see Flatholme on the horizon, it was just visible through the haze, but doesn't come out in the photo. This was at beginning of weekend, not so spritely by Monday! Think some of the regular Mass attenders were still there....

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