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Jonas visited this last weekend during the Portsoy Boat Festival. He had never visited or even heard of a holy well, but he was impressed by the ambience here and says it felt sacred. This photo is of low quality, but we'll replace it with something better at a later date.
Submitted byaluta
AddedJul 06 2007
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Jonas visited this last weekend during the Portsoy Boat Festival. He had never visited or even heard of a holy well, but he was impressed by the ambience here and says it felt sacred. This photo is of low quality, but we'll replace it with something better at a later date.

Posted Comments:

TimPrevett (2007-07-06)
now, that's what I call well housing! Is the actual well situated in the floor within? Just trying to work out from whence the water flows.
aluta (2007-07-06)
We'll have to ask him. He said it was like a wishing well in a way. That's all I know. We don't get to talk to him. I just glean what I can from what he posts on Facebook for the most part.
jwisser (2007-07-07)
You got it. The water flows into a small bowl-shaped impression in the floor, from what I could make out (it was quite dark). I was running low on memory in my camera, or I'd've taken a picture of the inside as well.

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