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The waterfall at Ringing Rocks once must have been mighty to create this landscape, but now it is little more than a trickle. For scale, picture people standing under the overhang with plenty of room to spare. The propped rock in the other picture is just off this picture on the right.
Submitted byAluta
AddedMay 29 2007
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The waterfall at Ringing Rocks once must have been mighty to create this landscape, but now it is little more than a trickle. For scale, picture people standing under the overhang with plenty of room to spare. The propped rock in the other picture is just off this picture on the right.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2007-05-30)
A fascinating place Aluta, thanks for the photos. I'm intrigued by the flesh-coloured thing in the right foreground - it looks like someone's dismembered leg and foot!
Aluta (2007-05-30)
Yes, we made the traditional leg offering. I'm healing well, thanks! ;oD

It's some funny trick of light, actually. It was a very bright day and my camera didn't handle it well.
AngieLake (2007-05-31)
Ha!ha!... I like it! A great sense of humour Aluta!
(Do you have that saying over there - "Aww... you're pulling my leg, aren't you?"??) Strange that your camera should do that though?
hailstones (2007-05-31)
It certainly is a strange shot. I must say it does look like an amputated leg!
Aluta (2007-05-31)
I didn't see exactly what you two were on about until I asked my son just now. I was seeing that form just as the shadow of one of the rocks and was looking for the leg in the bright part. Now I see the leg! LOL A shadow shape. What intrigues me is that sort of circular flat rock in front of it. If I get a chance to go back, I'll take a closer look at that.

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