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Everyone at the entrance to the reconstructed Stoney Littleton chambered long barrow (camera on timer).

Portal Admin's meet 15 April 2007

[750 x 500 jpg]

Submitted byJimChampion
AddedApr 16 2007
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Everyone at the entrance to the reconstructed Stoney Littleton chambered long barrow (camera on timer).

Posted Comments:

JimChampion (2007-04-16)
Who's who, from left to right: TheCaptain, Hamish, MickM, AndyB, Chloe, Deb and me (JimChampion).
jackdaw1 (2007-04-16)
It's great to be able to put a face to a name-good shot.
bat400 (2007-04-16)
I wish I could have been there!
Aluta (2007-04-16)
Thank you for posting this. :o)
Andy B (2007-04-17)
Yes, I felt a bit bad for not offering puddings but it was in your own best interests to get up that hill afterwards! (The Scottish Megaraks will understand that one...)
hamish (2007-04-17)
At last, a photo with me in it.
mickm (2007-04-17)
There was a shot of you posted at last years meet, albeit at a distance & one which you could be proud of considering the proximity of a large beast.


It was good to see everybody, a great day out.
Nick- (2007-05-02)
Nice to see the people , who also clamber around ,looking for bits of rock and things, in strange often isolated places.........

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