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Kumari Amman temple, Kanniakumari(cape Comorin), Tamil Nadu
77 32 30.31 E'  08 04 50.04 N'

The temple marks the land's end of the Indian sub continent.
Kumari Amman temple, dedicated to the virgin goddess Kanniyakumari who stands guard over the country. The goddess Parvathi, in her incarnation as Devi Kanniya did penance here to obtain the hand of lord Shiva in marriage, the temple is a symbo
Submitted bymotist
AddedJan 26 2007
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Kumari Amman temple, Kanniakumari(cape Comorin), Tamil Nadu
77 32 30.31 E' 08 04 50.04 N'

The temple marks the land's end of the Indian sub continent.
Kumari Amman temple, dedicated to the virgin goddess Kanniyakumari who stands guard over the country. The goddess Parvathi, in her incarnation as Devi Kanniya did penance here to obtain the hand of lord Shiva in marriage, the temple is a symbol of unity and sanctity.

statues in the local museum

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