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Gallery Home >> Far East >> Indonesia >> Bada Valley >> Bada Valley Megaliths

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Submitted byIreneLR
AddedApr 12 2003
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"Palindo" viewed from the left side.

Posted Comments:

stonesavant (2010-10-17)
We should believe the local people. These megaliths have always been there, at least as far back as any tribe can remember. What does that us? A prior civilization put the stones in place long before the Shamanic asians arrived. Whoever it was, was capable of quarrying and shipping stones of impressive size... In my opinion the faces were carved on the stones by the more recent populations, but the stones themselves are probably Neolithic. If I am correct then we see another example of the Stone Age Astronomer culture, probably from Morbihan, thousands of miles away from their home base.

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