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A view of the Raigmore cairn, now nestled behind Raigmore Hospital, inbetween Industrial and Residential estates. My tripod was still packed, and I had the narrowest window of opportunity to visit this as the daylight faded on a dark, wet evening. Though relocated, this cairn is still impressive in itself, but I suspect some stones have been moved out from their positions. Taller stones (about 4 f
Submitted byTimPrevett
AddedOct 07 2006
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A view of the Raigmore cairn, now nestled behind Raigmore Hospital, inbetween Industrial and Residential estates. My tripod was still packed, and I had the narrowest window of opportunity to visit this as the daylight faded on a dark, wet evening. Though relocated, this cairn is still impressive in itself, but I suspect some stones have been moved out from their positions. Taller stones (about 4 foot high - nearest here), decreasing in stature around to the opposite side.

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