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The Virtuous Well in bottom right-hand corner, showing the position of Trellech church.  The gate to the field is behind me here.

The sign reads:
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 04 2006
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The Virtuous Well in bottom right-hand corner, showing the position of Trellech church. The gate to the field is behind me here. The sign reads:"The Virtuous Well. Once known as St Ann's Well and famous for its cures. It was visited by many pilgrims as late as the seventeenth century. It is said to be four separate springs, three containing iron and each curing a different illness. Its niches held offerings and cups. Stone seats gave rest to the weary traveller."

Posted Comments:

nicoladidsbury (2006-09-04)
There is a St Annes well in south Cumbria, which was supposed to cure people. In the same area, a farmer used to tell everyone that the water in one of his fields, (spring fed) was able to cure sickly horses. Eventually it was looked into, and discovered that the rain water feeds down through the rocks, and though some ancient willow trees (now formed into peat) where it picks up salicin, which is similar to asprin.

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