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Gallery Home >> Scotland >> Fife >> Druid's Well (Dunino)

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A little further around the cliff brings you to a carved Celtic trinity about 9 inches in diameter.
Submitted byKiwiBetsy
AddedSep 03 2006
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A little further around the cliff brings you to a carved Celtic trinity about 9 inches in diameter.

Posted Comments:

blinton (2010-10-10)
I've lived in the area all my life and was often taken to "Dunino Den" as a child by my parents. I never before heard the term "Druids Well" until I saw it here!

The supposed "wells" were more than likely formed naturally, although connecting channels have been cut at some point in the past.

The Knotwork engravings at the site are modern graffiti carved in the 60's and 70's, VANDALISM, and the person responsible is still defacing ancient monuments!

Just thought I'd let you know.


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