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Roman Gallery. Seneca  4 BC to 65 AD
Politician, writer, philosopher and dramatist.
This is the remote tower, built AD 41 to imprison Seneca, high on a steep hill, on the northern peninsular of Corsica.
Accused of adultery with the emperor Claudius' niece, Julia Livilla, Seneca was banished to Corsica in 41 AD. 
He was already famous as a writer and thinker. He continued his work in exile, wri

Seneca's Tower, Corsica

[745 x 900 jpg]

Submitted byEthelwulf
AddedSep 02 2006
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Roman Gallery. Seneca 4 BC to 65 AD
Politician, writer, philosopher and dramatist.
This is the remote tower, built AD 41 to imprison Seneca, high on a steep hill, on the northern peninsular of Corsica.
Accused of adultery with the emperor Claudius' niece, Julia Livilla, Seneca was banished to Corsica in 41 AD.
He was already famous as a writer and thinker. He continued his work in exile, writing philosophy and drama. Taking the classic stoic line, he wrote that "one man's exile was but a drop in the sea of human upheaval".
Senecca stayed in Corsica for eight years until Agrippina, Claudius' third and final wife, arranged his return to Rome to tutor her son, Nero.
Under Seneca's guidance, the young Nero ruled wisely, until the emperor's infamous evil ways began to destroy the empire
Seneca was later accused of plotting against him, and was executed by Nero in 65.

Posted Comments:

JimChampion (2006-09-02)
This angle makes the tower look quite imposing! I've filed this under "France" since Corsica is a French region.
Ethelwulf (2006-09-02)
Thank you Jim. But it wasn't French (or even Italian) in the first century, - this site if very much Roman - and should be in that category.
JimChampion (2006-09-02)
Sorry, I meant to say that it is under Roman, then France. I think the categories within the "Roman" portal are organised along modern day national borders.
Ethelwulf (2006-09-02)
Ah I see, thanks for clarifying, Jim.
AlexHunger (2006-09-02)
I wonder if Seneca wrote any of his books in there? great picture.
Ethelwulf (2006-09-02)
Yes! Alex, he wrote a lot of his dramas and philosophical works, while isoloated in this tower, on the beautiful island (though he hated Corsica - for obvious reasons!!) You can find more info on Seneca at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seneca_the_Younger

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