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Classic 5th Cenury BCE Temple to Athena.
At the moment, the temple is being restored, which may take until 2025. Archeologists are replacing the rusted iron pins used to secure the temple in the 19th century with non coroding Titanium ones, and various damaged pieces of marble are receiving replacement bits and pieces cut from the same quarry. The authorities are however not bringing the partheno
Submitted byAlexHunger
AddedAug 25 2006
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Classic 5th Cenury BCE Temple to Athena.
At the moment, the temple is being restored, which may take until 2025. Archeologists are replacing the rusted iron pins used to secure the temple in the 19th century with non coroding Titanium ones, and various damaged pieces of marble are receiving replacement bits and pieces cut from the same quarry. The authorities are however not bringing the parthenon back to how it was before the turkish gun powder magazine explosion as too many pieces are missing. Regardless of the facts, this place still takes your breath away when you first see it.

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