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Gallery Home >> Art >> Milfield Reconstructed Henge at Maelmin Heritage Centre

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This wooden sculpture, from 2000, represents the various races who have populated the Northumberland area. 

This image is dedicated to my ancestors from these races! 

The original neolitic settlers from 10000BC whose hut remains, showed a complex society. 

The Celts, who arrived 800BC, and built the hill forts that can be seen on most Northumbrian summits. 

The Anglo-Saxons settled i
Submitted byEthelwulf
AddedAug 20 2006
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This wooden sculpture, from 2000, represents the various races who have populated the Northumberland area.

This image is dedicated to my ancestors from these races!

The original neolitic settlers from 10000BC whose hut remains, showed a complex society.

The Celts, who arrived 800BC, and built the hill forts that can be seen on most Northumbrian summits.

The Anglo-Saxons settled in 540AD, at Bamburgh - where the huge castle now stands.

'Maelmin' is the Old English name of the Royal township of the kingdom of Northumbria, in the early 7th century.

When the pagan Mercians, under king Penda, burnt the original royal Anglo-Saxon township of Gefrin in 633AD the population had just been converted to christianity.

They built a new timbered town at Maelmin on the Milfield plain, near Wooler, North Northumberland.

These 'totems' are erected at the Northumberland village of Powburn, on the A697, 7 miles south of the Scottish border.


Posted Comments:

Nick- (2006-08-20)
Nice atmospheric photo, nice totem pole.....
nicoladidsbury (2006-09-03)
Excellent eye catching picture

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