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Gallery Home >> Roman Portal >> Roman England >> Hadrian's Wall >> Cawfields, Northumberland

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Roman Gallery. Looking West, towards Cawfields, at one of the highest points of Hadrian's Wall.

The sheer drop on the right, is to the North (or Pictish side).

Barbarians to the right - Roman-occupied Britain, to the left - at least beatween 122 and 410AD!

Cawfields, Northumberland

[750 x 530 jpg]

Submitted byEthelwulf
AddedAug 15 2006
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Roman Gallery. Looking West, towards Cawfields, at one of the highest points of Hadrian's Wall. The sheer drop on the right, is to the North (or Pictish side). Barbarians to the right - Roman-occupied Britain, to the left - at least beatween 122 and 410AD!

Posted Comments:

Ethelwulf (2006-08-20)
No comments...nobody must like this one.
Pops (2006-09-29)
I enjoy this photo, mainly because I recently watched a series on Rome, a part of which was the history behind this eery stone wall, reminiscent of the Great Wall of China.
uslo477 (2008-11-24)
I like this shot. It has great size, texture, and color. It conveys a sense of the length of the wall as it proceeds through this emense landscape. The Ditching on the right and the size of the stones on the wall in the forground demonstrate the human effort required to build such a masterpiece. Roman engineers used the land to place thier structures on and in, especially military works. This photo is also great because the eye of the beholder follows the wall from the foreground to the first vanishing point by the trees in the foreground, to the second, where the wall drops to the valley floor, then out to the right in a curve, and off to the horizon. We want to fly along, arms outstreched hoping it will never end! I like this one.

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