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Cup and ring markings on Chatton moor, Northumberland.
Taken at sunset, November 2005, to throw the carvings into sharper relief.
Submitted byEthelwulf
AddedJul 15 2006
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Cup and ring markings on Chatton moor, Northumberland.
Taken at sunset, November 2005, to throw the carvings into sharper relief.

Posted Comments:

TimPrevett (2006-07-17)
Hi Ethelwulf this is a fantastic picture; could you provide a new site entry so we can see exactly where it is? Many thanks, Tim :o)
Ethelwulf (2006-08-03)
Thanks for the encouragement Tim - much appreciated. This site is at Chatton Park Hill, North Northumberland, near Wooler. This area, just east of the Cheviot hills, is a very rich source of numerous 'cup and ring' carvings. Grid Ref: NU 07390 29244.
TimPrevett (2006-08-03)
Thanks Ethelwulf - it already had a site entry, and a bit of work has tied it all up nicely. Cheers :o)
Pops (2006-09-29)
another excellent image...this one my second best, with the contrast between the color of the rock in the foreground, the nearby grasses and then the mountains in the back.

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