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Reconstruction portrait of Cranborne Woman by Jane Brayn,. 

Jane said

Monkton-up-Wimborne Late Neolithic pit circle/shaft complex

[396 x 700 jpeg]

Submitted bydodomad
AddedJun 29 2020
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Reconstruction portrait of Cranborne Woman by Jane Brayn,.

Jane said "Martin Green’s find was perhaps the most affecting I’ve ever worked on. I had the woman’s skull in my studio for a couple of days before it went for digital reconstruction and remember being very touched by its beauty – she had amazing teeth! I live on the edge of the Mendip hills where she probably originated. The B3081 leads through my village in Somerset directly to Martin’s farm and I often think of her as I’m driving that way, trudging over the hills with the three children."

Posted Comments:

Andy B (2020-06-29)
Source: The Woman in the Chalk - Cranborne Woman
What's Her Name Podcast
Andy B (2020-06-30)
When newly created the shaft would have been a very impressive sight with its vertical sides and smooth even floor, and perhaps even surrounded by a low bank created from its excavated spoil. Shortly afterwards it seems to have been sanctified by a remarkable, perhaps sacrificial, multiple burial inserted into its Northern edge. Thanks to specialist work sponsored by the BBC during the making of a Meet the Ancestors programme about the site (Richards 1999), we know a great deal about the buried individuals including an impression of the facial features of the adult (see above image).
Source: http://www.digitaldigging.net/neolithic-complex-monkton-wimborne/

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