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In central south Sinai there old tombs from the 5th millennium BCE.

The Beduin call them NAWAMIS (plu.) and Namus (sing.) by.  The facing West door is built from local sandstone.

According to prof. O. Bar-Yosef pre-dinastic people belived that the soul departed westward to the under world.
All the tombs in the main part of Egypt are on the western of the Nile.

The Nawamis in Southern Sin
Submitted bymotist
AddedMay 29 2006
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In central south Sinai there old tombs from the 5th millennium BCE. The Beduin call them NAWAMIS (plu.) and Namus (sing.) by. The facing West door is built from local sandstone. According to prof. O. Bar-Yosef pre-dinastic people belived that the soul departed westward to the under world. All the tombs in the main part of Egypt are on the western of the Nile. The Nawamis in Southern Sinai are built from local stones, in this area , sand stone , but there is places like W. Zalaqa it's built from local limestone. The construction of the Nawamis is interesting as Namus in Arabic is moskito. The local legend is that when the Israelites were dweling in the desert they encountered a plague of moskitos, so they constracted Nawamis to hide. Gps: Al Trefiya: DEc.- E' 34 02' 34', N' 28 45' 81' IL datum (old):E' 05855 N' 79801

Posted Comments:

motist (2006-06-02)
Mt Sinai is Jabal Musa in arabic

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