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The events of the war years, in particular the three-year German occupation of Novgorod (1941-1944), significantly reduced the Museum collections. By the end of the war, all Museum buildings were in ruins, about 30 thousand exhibits were destroyed or stolen, their fate was shared by 75,600 books from the Museum's scientific library, as well as card files, photo laboratory and other valuable Museum
Submitted byAlexAssa
AddedJan 20 2019
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The events of the war years, in particular the three-year German occupation of Novgorod (1941-1944), significantly reduced the Museum collections. By the end of the war, all Museum buildings were in ruins, about 30 thousand exhibits were destroyed or stolen, their fate was shared by 75,600 books from the Museum's scientific library, as well as card files, photo laboratory and other valuable Museum items ....


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