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Gallery Home >> The Americas >> North America >> The Southwest >> Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve

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Submitted bybat400
AddedJan 21 2019
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The "hunter's" panel. A detail of these images is used as a symbol for the Deer Valley site.
Photo by bat400, March 2018.

Posted Comments:

SpaceTravellor (2021-04-03)
IMO these petroglyphs symbolizes both earthly and celestial images. Especially the carved rings shows in general "cirquital motions" as for instants the starry and constellation motions around the celestial Pole Area.
Others Ship-like carvings shows IMO a stylized contour of the Milky Way where some "ships" have a dot, a ring or a wheel carved on its "deck" symbolizing the very pole area.
The "stickman figures" are also alternately connected to the Milky Way contours and it participate in ancient myths as "The Great God" in the night sky.
Lots of illustrations and explanations here on my personal Mytho-Cosmological website - http://www.native-science.net/index.html

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