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Barbrook II
Submitted byrldixon
AddedDec 27 2005
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Barbrook II

Posted Comments:

Thorgrim (2005-12-27)
What is this structure? Is it a stone circle or a circle or stones or a corral? Official notes state:"The circle is now probably much as it was around 2000BC The irregular ring of standing stones is set in a drystone wall retaining the inner edge of a rubble bank, with an entrance to the north east. Only one standing stone is significantly higher than the bank." If that is an accurate reconstruction - are there any more similar to it?
AngieLake (2005-12-28)
This reminds me of Rathgall hill fort / ring fort / 'rath' in Co. Wicklow, Ireland, just over the border from Co. Carlow (though the central ring's walls there are higher and thicker than Barbrook II's). When dowsing Rathgall (or as the locals call it ' The Ring of the Rath') with a local friend in 1999, and solo in 2001, the ancient ritual movement pattern I found in that central ring led me to believe it originated as a circle of stones. According to one website the excavation at Rathgall revealed intensive late Bronze Age settlement, and the site continued in use to the early Christian period.
FourWinds (2005-12-28)
The main differences between Barbrook II and Rathgall is the size. Rathgall is 60m in diameter and over 2m high with 3m thick walls. Barbrook II is about 10m in diameter and about 50cm high with walls about 1m thick. Rathgall is inside a massive earthwork. Barbrook II is out in the open. However, Rathgall could have been built inside a stone circle that would have been over 100m in diameter, but that's just my mad theory :-) There is a small ruined stone circle on the opposite side of the road to Rathgall.
walrus (2008-08-06)
Barbrook 2 has been excavated, rebuilt, vandalised and rebuilt again. The vertical stones aren't all as I recall them from the late 60s/early 70s. I'd take the modern appearance with a large pinch of salt. It is also not a nice place to be in low light.

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