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So many wild flowers.
The Devil's Quoits - a restored stone circle and henge in-situ. Quite how this escaped my radar for over a decade until the last month escapes me. So, a varied route across country on midsummer solstice-eve took me to this quite magnificent rebuild. The adjacent landfill tip is now moved so that it's more earth-intrusive operations are out of sight, the mound is greening ove
Submitted byTimPrevett
AddedJun 21 2018
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So many wild flowers.
The Devil's Quoits - a restored stone circle and henge in-situ. Quite how this escaped my radar for over a decade until the last month escapes me. So, a varied route across country on midsummer solstice-eve took me to this quite magnificent rebuild. The adjacent landfill tip is now moved so that it's more earth-intrusive operations are out of sight, the mound is greening over, and visiting outside of operational hours meant any machinery was off and the only dominant sounds was that of the relentless skylark and the breeze. The tree line is also very high, so the sense of entering a space set aside is strong.

A lot more ought to be made of this site, signage and publicity for it. It appears reconstructed with cost, care and diligence. The wild flowers and wildlife are very rich, too. Carpets of flowering buttercups, clover. I have never seen so many damselflies in one area.

I accessed from the east, parking outside the cemetery just south of Stanton Harcourt, following the concrete road through the remains of the airfield buildings and along a legitimate path, which curves around the side of the lake.

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