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Lou Couraus Cromlechs, high up in the Pyrenees. 

Still used to this day, 4500 years on, as a cattle scratching place.
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedDec 22 2005
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Lou Couraus Cromlechs, high up in the Pyrenees. Still used to this day, 4500 years on, as a cattle scratching place.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2005-12-22)
One of my favourite pictures from my 6 months stonehunting in France. And we all love these pictures with the local wildlife in, dont we.

This is my Solstice / Christmas / New Year / Yuletide offering to you all, with my best wishes.
Nick- (2005-12-22)
Excellent Photo {and the others}! There were no cattle there on the 31st July '05, when I was up there. Wish I could get up there now in the snow, but it would probably take more than just chains on the car....
mickm (2005-12-22)
They move the cattle up the meadows in stages as plant growth permits (transhumance). The lower meadows are then left to grow to provide fodder for the winter. Nice card - hope you sent a special dedication to Hamish.
hamish (2005-12-22)
Thanks Mickm/ I love em really.
thecaptain (2005-12-22)
This one was only a baby ! Some of the larger ones were quite intimidating - with massive horns !
thecaptain (2005-12-22)
about midday, September 7th 2005 by the way.
AngieLake (2005-12-22)
"The h.i.l.l.l.s.. are alive.... with the sound of m.o..o..o..s...i...c............" Almost expect to see Julie Andrews pop up over the hillside!! He IS absolutely gorgeous - enough to make an beef lover vegetarian! And you're a star for all your hard work in France. Thankyou for cheering us up with your sunny pics, and have a great Christmas, etc, yourself!

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