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Gallery Home >> France >> Poitou-Charentes >> Tumulus de la Boixe B

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At the far corner of the main chamber, is found another entranceway into a further chamber. 

The entranceway is carved from two well fitted slabs, and has two grooves carved around it, rather like moulding round a more modern doorway. 

Above and to the right of this doorway, in the main chamber is a very visible axe carved onto the wall slabs.
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedDec 03 2005
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At the far corner of the main chamber, is found another entranceway into a further chamber. The entranceway is carved from two well fitted slabs, and has two grooves carved around it, rather like moulding round a more modern doorway. Above and to the right of this doorway, in the main chamber is a very visible axe carved onto the wall slabs.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2005-12-03)
I have to admit, that when I was in the dark of this tomb with only a little torch, I hadnt spotted the carved axe. Only when I downloaded this photograph from my camera did I find that I had a clear picture of it. Far more clear in fact than these carvings normally turn out.

Someone was looking favourably on me this day, as I spent the rest of the day discovering many wonderful unexplored dolmens and tumuli in this fantastic area.
neolithique02 (2015-07-17)
3D view of the Tumulus can be seen here :

I will be visiting the tumulus tomorrow.
neolithique02 (2015-07-20)
Hello Captain,
The real Neolithic axe carved is just on the back of this stelae. To find it you have to go inside the second chamber and you will find a large crook on the left side of the door. It is a wonderful and large carving (1,15 meters) dating around 4000 BC.

A good reason for you to organize a new visit :)
TheCaptain (2015-07-21)
I do remember seeing the "crook" inside the small chamber, but have no photos

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