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Winter Solstice 2017, They're in the circle performing that well known pagan ceremony - Secret Santa!!!
Submitted byBladup
AddedDec 21 2017
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Winter Solstice 2017, They're in the circle performing that well known pagan ceremony - Secret Santa!!!

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2017-12-22)
Hope they picked up their litter! I see the tent is still there, under the trees... http://www.megalithic.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=a312&file=index&do=showpic&pid=112744
Bladup (2017-12-23)
They did pick up their litter when they left, I'd have been running after them and telling them to get it if they'd left without it, As litter is a real pet hate of mine, Everywhere I go now I end up with full bags of litter when I leave because I just can't leave it. It's certainly getting worse, Kids need educating, big fines etc.
AngieLake (2017-12-23)
Good for you Paul.

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