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Petroglyphs at Chagüitillo.
Photo source:  Sébaco Municipality website
Submitted bydavidmorgan
AddedOct 19 2017
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Petroglyphs at Chagüitillo.
Photo source: Sébaco Municipality website

Posted Comments:

Bladup (2017-10-19)
Lovely, A spirit dance? Maybe to do with water? It's great guessing though isn't it? I'd say the person on the left certainly has feathers on his/her head or has one hell of a hairdo (and a floating lightbulb!). If the concentric circles do symbolize water various characters are connected to it (Maybe dividing rights), The person on the right of the circles even seems to be weeing into the (Possible) water. I think these people are trying to show how connected to their water they are, While been whiched over by old big head and the animal spirits at the far Right.
davidmorgan (2017-10-20)
They look like monkeys to me. Howlers, capuchins and spider monkeys seem to be the local ones.
Runemage (2017-10-20)
This is what I love about the Portal, one image, two (so far) diverse interpretations.
Bladup (2017-10-20)
I was seeing a Basil Fawlty walk type dance but yes I agree probably Monkeys, The One Swinging at the top left is a clear monkey and It could even be a different type to the others.
Andy B (2017-10-20)
What about the target / circles then - something astronomical? And the one on the right that looks like an alien? (dives for cover!)
Bladup (2017-10-20)
Yes, The Alien with the big earing came though the Portal and only the monkeys normally know, But this time the person with the mad hair is clearly in shock (he's even having a lightbulb moment) in seeing all this and must therefore be the artist (unless a monkey did it), I think we've cracked it!

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