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The tallest stone at the top of Hurston Ridge's avenue. The Dartmoor ponies were enjoying a good neck-rubbing session when I arrived, and this one was determined to pose for the camera!It stands on the right side, looking downhill.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedAug 15 2005
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The tallest stone at the top of Hurston Ridge's avenue. The Dartmoor ponies were enjoying a good neck-rubbing session when I arrived, and this one was determined to pose for the camera!
It stands on the right side, looking downhill.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2005-08-15)
Just to the right of the picture, and at right-angles to this stone, is a long slab embedded in the ground. I believe this to be part of a cairn. (It's a wonder there are any stones left on Dartmoor judging by the vigorous and enthusiastic neck-rubbing that was taking place when I met a herd of wild ponies here last week ! They seemed to favour the top end of the row, maybe because the stones are slightly higher here.)

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