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Passageway into Knowth.
Submitted byRunemage
AddedJul 15 2005
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Passageway into Knowth.

Posted Comments:

TM (2005-07-17)
OOOh I like this!
Runemage (2005-07-17)
Thanks TM, it was taken on my last visit a couple of years ago. I hadn't realised that inside the mound at Knowth was at least a little bit open to the public, there is an area to stand in adjacent to the passage which shows how the mound was originally constructed in layers of different material. this is the view of the passage into the heart of the mound but sadly there's no entry which makes it even more mysterious.
TM (2005-07-27)
I love the size aspect of this aswell as the mystery it sets, it looks as though it could be about 6 inches high, or 16 feet high!
McGlen (2009-07-03)
Great shoot!

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