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Gallery Home >> Germany >> Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania >> Kussow Steingrab

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Submitted byFlickr
AddedMar 09 2016
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Posted Comments:

holger rix (2016-03-09)
A Flickr picture that raises a question...
The sign belongs to the group of tombs " Everstorfer Forst Sued",
some 10km away.
Martin L (2016-03-09)
I assume this nice historic sign next to the replica tomb (that's what it looks like) was saved from the Everstorf site when new signs were placed and transferred to the museum. And now serves as a hint to the museum visitors where to find genuine megalithic tombs nearby. As far as I remember it is that kind of historic signs having been still visible at the Everstorf sites when i was visiting at night in summer 1991 when i was on the way back from Sweden.
davidmorgan (2016-03-09)
Yes, I agree with Martin - there's a photo of it in the "Bilder Galerie" on the Steinzeitdorf-Kussow website.

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