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Gallery Home >> Central Europe >> Italy >> Bomarzo Etruscan 'Pyramid' Altar

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Submitted byivanjohnson
AddedFeb 12 2016
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Piramide Etrusca di Bomarzo-111
Altar in Lazio/Roma Italy

Etruscan pyramid. Steps leading to altar where animal and, perhaps, human sacrifices were offered to the gods. The question of human sacrifice in Etruscan religious practices is debated by scholars; apparently, there is evidence that it occurred, the doubts are about how common or widespread it may have been.
The pyramid is pretty impressive in its own right. It would be a major attraction if it was in any other country; they would build a museum around it with a bookstore, restaurant and parking lot. But here the pyramid is very difficult to find and until recently was covered by plants. I used to complain about this lack of care for our archeological sites, but now I'm not so sure.

Image copyright: Robert Barone (Robert Barone), hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.

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