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Les Cartesières allée couverte, St Symphorien-des-Monts, Manche.

This T shaped gallery grave is found in a zoo park. However, on the day of my visit, this park was well and truly shut, and looked like it hadn’t been open in many years.
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedMay 07 2005
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Les Cartesières allée couverte, St Symphorien-des-Monts, Manche. This T shaped gallery grave is found in a zoo park. However, on the day of my visit, this park was well and truly shut, and looked like it hadn’t been open in many years.

Posted Comments:

nicolas fermin (2006-01-17)
on january 2006, the park is still closed ( because of the big storm which destroyed a lot of trees in december 1999). I still try to find the allée couverte, but it's a bit hard. I only found a big stone... Is it what remains of it?
thecaptain (2006-01-18)
I now know where to find the allée couverte, although I dont know how much of it remains. Take the road which runs south around the west of the park. After a kilometre or so the road goes into a dip and passes by a lake. The allée couverte is somewhere in the woodland at the eastern side of this road just in the edge of the park before you get to the lakes.

Good luck hunting it down, and I look forwards to you getting a photo !

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