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Pierre Tournante, Bosgouet, Eure. 

When I got there I found that the track through the forest to get to it had been gated off, with lots of barbed wire and keep out notices everywhere, so I didn’t get to visit this one.
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedMay 06 2005
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Pierre Tournante, Bosgouet, Eure. When I got there I found that the track through the forest to get to it had been gated off, with lots of barbed wire and keep out notices everywhere, so I didn’t get to visit this one.

Posted Comments:

sassa76france (2007-06-05)
I dont spek english very well but I going to try.
My parents live beside this stone. I have some photo, I can send to you if you want. also, I have an article of press with legends.
Please, if you don't speak french, use simple english words, thanks!
TheCaptain (2007-06-05)
Bienvenue Sassa. I apologise, but my French is not good at this time of night !

We would like you to send us photos and legends for this stone. Send us them in French, we can try and translate.

TheCaptain (2007-06-08)
Bonjour Sassa.

Nous serions tres contents si tu pouvais nous envoyer des photos de cet endroit ainsi que des histoires concernant cette pierre.

Surtout n'hésite pas a envoyer des messages en Francais.

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