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A view from the front of the museum into the center of the Great Circle Earthwork at Newark, Ohio.  It may be hard to pick out because of snow, but at the left center, you may see the mound at the center of the circle.My son Jonas is looking at the metal map of the Newark site. The perspective may fool the eye, but the mound at the right of the picture rises some seventeen feet above the surface a
Submitted byaluta
AddedApr 29 2005
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A view from the front of the museum into the center of the Great Circle Earthwork at Newark, Ohio. It may be hard to pick out because of snow, but at the left center, you may see the mound at the center of the circle.
My son Jonas is looking at the metal map of the Newark site. The perspective may fool the eye, but the mound at the right of the picture rises some seventeen feet above the surface and is bordered on the inside by a deep ditch.

Posted Comments:

CJ Nelson (2005-06-21)
I have stood where you are standing in this picture many times. The mystery and beauty of the mounds are powerful. Thanks for the information you have provided. Perhaps one day we will get this kind of access to the Octagon / Obervatory mounds. Thanks again.

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